SEO Is Not Scary: 3 Simple Reasons Why

Happy Halloween from the Yellowphin team!

We thought it would be the perfect time to share why SEO doesn't have to be scary! 

Let’s break it down into 3 simple parts:

Document Relevancy

Document relevancy is merely ensuring that your content matches the user's query.

Let's say you're an online costume hire business. If someone is using Google to search for 'Halloween costume to hire', your content should match this query. By understanding the customer's search intent, you'll rank higher for their search.

To achieve this, you can use keyword research. This can help you to gather insights into your customer's search queries. From this, you'll be able to create a plan around which keywords to target. You can then create content that matches your customer's search intent. 

Below are some of the keywords groups that you can consider when creating new content. For example 'Halloween costume to hire' would be a transactional keyword. This shows they have the intent to buy. So you want to keep this in mind when writing content. Also, it is important to note that the site there looking for is either a local costume hire store or e-commerce store.

Increasing Authority

Increasing authority can raise your domain score, which is a score of how dominant your URL is. Improving your backlink profile can increase your website authority.

For example, links from a website with a high domain score of 100 would increase your authority. In contrast, a website with a domain rating of 1 wouldn't have lots of value. A site that holds a domain rating 80 will have a large number of unique domains linking to it, and hundreds of backlinks. However, it's important to note that the links will be relevant to that particular website.

The image below highlights the search engine results for 'Halloween outfits'. In the top 5 results, they have high domains ratings. 

Some steps to increasing your domain rating and backlinks are:

  • Skyscraper Technique
  • Broken Link Methods
  • Guest Articles
  • Promote Your Content
  • Contact Journalists & Bloggers 

Technical Optimisation

Technical Optimisation is making sure search engines like Google can easily find your website. In other words, it means allowing your site to be crawled and indexed. Technical optimisation can improve you user experience. 

Screaming Frog Crawl

Here’s what you can do to get search engines to love your website:

  • Add a sitemap
  • Submit your website to Google Search Console
  • Add canonical tags to your pages
  • Ensure internal linking throughout your site
  • Correct use of Javascript
  • Optimised site speed 
  • Create a Robots TXT file
  • Ensure the website is mobile-friendly
  • Use HTTPS

Many of these are technical issues that you need to consider. An excellent place to start is to use Screaming Frog to crawl your website. This allows you to analyse, audit and review technical and on-page SEO.

If you need any more information, please visit Yellowphin


By Yellowphin at 28 October, 2020


Yellowphin Ltd

Unit 6, Blackpool Technology Management Centre

Faraday Way



0115 932 5151
